Doha, Qatar 3
Doha is the capital and largest city of Qatar, located...
Auckland, New Zealand 3
Auckland is the largest city in New Zealand, located...
Guilin, China
Guilin is a city in southern China, located in the...
Manila, Philippines
Manila is the capital and largest city of the Philippines,...
Honululu, United States 2
Honululu, located on the island of Oahu in Hawaii,... is a must-read travel journal for traveleres looking for inspiration and practical tips for your next adventures. Traveling is a transformative experience, and many are inspired to challenge and change themselves to grow and expand their horizons. This journal features from solo and adventure travel to luxury and budget options, there’s always something for every type of traveler. Read our travel posts and let us explore the world with you!

Rome, Italy
Rome, Italy
Rome is the capital city of Italy and is known for its rich cultural heritage, stunning architecture,...
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Antalya, Turkey
Antalya, Turkey
Antalya is a vibrant and beautiful city located on the Mediterranean coast of Turkey. With a population...
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Shenzhen, China
Shenzhen, China
Shenzhen is a major city in the Guangdong province of China, located just north of Hong Kong. With a...
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Macau, China
Macau (Macao), China
Macau is a vibrant city located in the southwestern coast of China. Known for its blend of Portuguese...
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Singapore, Singapore
Singapore, City-State of Jewel
Singapore is a vibrant and cosmopolitan city-state located in Southeast Asia. With a population of over...
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Hong Kong Harbor
Hong Kong, S.A.R.
Hong Kong is a vibrant and cosmopolitan city located on the eastern coast of China. With a population...
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Toronto, Canada
Toronto, Canada
Toronto is a vibrant and dynamic city that offers something for everyone. Located on the shores of Lake...
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Mugla, Turkey
Mugla, Turkey
The place where nature meets history. Muğla is a small coastal city nestled into the side of a small...
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Buenos Aires, Argentina
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Buenos Aires, Argentina is your destination for passion. Passion for sports, food, family, their countries...
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Milan, Italy3
Milan, Italy
If you truly would likely live like an Italian for a holiday, Milan is where you need to go. While Milan...
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Venice, Italy
Venice, Italy
If you are reading this, it means that you are planning to step into a city that all of your dreams will...
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Seoul, South Korea
Seoul, South Korea
Looking around for a potential home base while you are holidaying through South Asia, Seoul Korea is...
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Mumbai, India
Mumbai, India
Given that a vast majority of my significant other’s family lives in south India, it’s safe to say that...
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Dublin, Ireland
Dublin, Ireland
Welcome to Ireland, the country that perfectly depicts the land of fantasy and magic that you dreamed...
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Mexico City, Mexico
Mexico City, Mexico
If you are on the hunt for a holiday destination, that is filled from top to bottom with nothing but;...
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