Venice, Italy

Venice, Italy

If you are reading this, it means that you are planning to step into a city that all of your dreams will be forever based around. Venice, Italy is one of the most unique cities that you will ever get to experience in your life. From the environment that it is surrounded by, the history that marks every street and canal, to the architecture that sounds you. Needless to say, Venice is one of the world’s few remaining ancient cultural centres.


In my personal opinion one of the best places to really take in everything that Venice has to offer is the Piazza San Marco, also known as Saint Mark’s Square. This is the city’s main public square, the true heart of Venice and the lowest point of the entire city. While seeing the square gleaming after a fresh rain, dried to a crisp in the summer sun or completely flooded during the rainy season. With the attention to detail in every column, every brick, every archway truly makes this “the world’s most beautiful drawing room”.


If hunting down awe-inspiring history to stop and take in during your holiday in Venice, like it was mine, I highly recommend paying a visit to Doge’s Palace, and the Basilica di San Marco. At Doge’s Palace, you will bear witness to a masterpiece of Gothic European Architecture. Originally crafted to be a fort to protect the canal it continued to morph over the centuries to provide for its city. When it comes to the Basilica di San Marco, right next door to the Palace you will be able to walk through history instead of just standing and gaping. Basilica di San Marco, was crafted to house and honour the remains of Saint Mark. Since its initial construction it has been home to many other historical events.


After taking in the sights and metaphorically drinking down the history around you, how about some real Venetian food and Italian wine?


  • Fegati Alla Veneziana: As an adventurous eater I have to mention the best item on the menu outside of the normal for western eaters. Fegati Alla Veneziana, in short is liver and figs, in the complex; it is a dish crafted of calf lived, cut into extremely thin slices and cooked withoniones, olive oil, salt, pepper parsley and a glass of red wine, severed with a side of figs.
  • Polenta E Schie: When you are visiting a town on the edge of the sea, you have to try the local seafood. Schie is a kind of shrimp that you can only find in the Venetian lagoon. The Schien is seasoned with lemon, pepper and garlic then quickly steamed.
  • Sarde In Saor: Like the name suggests there are sardines in this dish. However, the flavouring of the fish is sweetened with pine nuts, red wine and raisins!

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